Saturday, 22 January 2011

Saalam Baalak Trust

India has the largest population of street children in the world. At least 18 million children live or work on the streets of urban India, laboring as porters at bus or railway terminals, as mechanics in informal auto-repair shops, as vendors of food, tea, or as ragpickers, picking through garbage and selling usable materials to local buyers.

In Delhi alone, it is estimated that there are close to 1, 7 million street children of which nearly 10% are runaways.

Saalam Baalak Trust is an initiative that has come about to help street children. They give them shelter and educate them and when they are a bit older they also provide a bit of training in some skill, just so they can get on their own feet and do something worth it. This gives them an opportunity to see what it's like to earn some money, and not having wonder if they will get a bite to eat that day....

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