Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Winter in Poland with my iPhone

Happy New Year everybody! Hope 2011 will be fun packed for all of us!

This year I welcomed in the New Year in Poland. For once I decided to travel with just one piece of luggage and as such I didn’t bring my camera with me, what a mistake that was….the country is covered with thick white snow and I’m loving it. The scenery is beautiful, so picturesque, so unique… I feel gutted for not having my camera with me. Since I couldn’t resist not capturing the beauty around me, I used my iPhone…so please excuse the quality of the photos and the blue cast…just enjoy them and picture me wearing 3 layers of thermals running through snow covered fields and doing iPhone photography….


  1. Fantastic work and truly inspiring

  2. Wonderful! Make you wish you were there just for the beauty of it!

  3. At least the whole country doesn't come to a standstill when it snows lol.... It looks fantastic.
